A Constellation of Ghosts:

A Speculative Memoir with Ravens

launches on October 19, 2021!

This book is my whole heart. Its catalyst was my cancer diagnosis, but its journey took me deep into unresolved grief, intergenerational trauma, ancestor-ghosts, and what it means to claim our power.

Along the way, I learned how much claiming our power means shedding skins. And some skins are pretty stuck to the bone.

I would love your help to launch this book into the world.

No one writes alone. Literary citizenship is such an important part of the writing community, and I hope you’ll want to share about my work, and know that I am happy to help you share yours.

If you sign up below, in exchange for your amazing help, I’ll be making special RAVEN SWAG for you, and I will also be creating a live, private, virtual workshop just for you to attend.

I’ll send out information about how you can help as it gets closer. Until then, you have my undying love.

You can preorder the book here!

Caw! Caw! Tick tock tick tock. Write!

Yes! I want to help! (OK, I want swag and special things, too) :-)

Thank you from the bottom of my haunted, writer-heart! xo Laraine


You’ll get an email right away (if the email overlords cooperate)